Part-time employees and your Solo 401k
If you have part-time employee(s) that meet the following criteria, you will be ineligible for your Solo 401k per the SECURE Act:
- At least 500 hours per year, and
- For 2 or 3 consecutive years, starting from January 1, 2021
The above criteria does not apply to:
- You
- Your spouse, if employed by the business
- Independent contractors (1099s), if paid by the business
However, if you have part-time employee(s) in your businesses that meet the above criteria, they will become eligible for the plan in 2024 or 2025. And this renders you ineligible for your Solo 401k, since it is designed for the owners only.
If you have any part-time employee(s), please do the following:
- Check their hours
Starting from January 1, 2021, have they worked at least 500 hours for 2 or 3 consecutive years?
Part-time employee(s) who have worked at least 500 hours for 3 consecutive years become eligible for the plan in 2024. Those who have worked at least 500 hours for 2 consecutive years become eligible for the plan in 2025.
If they have worked and will remain under 500 hours, you remain eligible for your Solo 401k. But make sure that your plan documents have the service requirement described below.
- Check your plan documents
If you have any part-time employee(s), you should have a service requirement checked in your plan documents.
Review your Post PPA “Defined Contribution Adoption Agreement”, page 5. C4.b should be checked as below:
- Notify Sense Financial Services to update or close the plan, if needed
If your part-time employee(s) have worked and will remain under 500 hours, you are still eligible for your plan, but your plan documents should have C.4.b checked as above to exclude the part-time employee(s).
If your part-time employee(s) have worked at least 500 hours for 2-3 consecutive years, you will need to close your plan by 2024. Notify Sense Financial to do so immediately.
For more information on terminating the plan: